Political Cartoons/Comics

Political Cartoons

1. Animal Farm

This political cartoon is from the famous novel; Animal Farm by George Orwell. This novel focuses on communist rule and the effects its has on society. I picked this cartoon because it shows a pig(Jack) making rules that only benefit him. The other animals(the other boys and Ralph) are being treated unfairly and are distressed due to the pig(Jack).  In “Lord of the flies” Jack sets up a communist like community where he is supreme ruler who makes rules that are unfair to everyone else besides himself. He punishes anyone who breaks his rules with no due cause just as the pig in the comic is saying there are “budget cuts for all state agencies”.

Image result for lord of the flies political cartoon

2. Occupy Wall St.

This political poster depicts a man holding a stick with the head of a pig on it just like it is in the book. The people who created this poster and Jack have very similar thinking in the way of if people have the freedom to make decisions for themselves then they will always choose the wrong choice causing the need for an authoritarian figure to reign over them. “Should some tragedy befall the Piggys in the form of a protest sign upside the head, or a fall on a pitchfork, it will be deemed as death of natural causes, for they had it coming.”

Works Cited

“Maksim Superkommissar.” “Occupy Wall Street Embraces “Lord of the Flies” Label.” Thepeoplescube.com. 30 Oct. 2011. web. 17 Apr. 2018.

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